Our Games Have Arrived!
Cassie and I found out Monday evening that our Bundle: Hallmark Channel Countdown to Christmas games were going to be delivered Tuesday morning. We were so relieved! Not only did our manufacturer (AdMagic in New Jersey, we love you!) make our deadline, they delivered our games almost a week earlier than we expected. Monday night Cassie texted me, “Wear comfy clothes. We are going to be carrying 1,000 pounds up 3 flights of stairs,” to which I responded, “Cancelling my 6:30 a.m. gym class.” Full disclosure, I had not yet booked a 6:30 a.m. gym class. But I want to be the kind of person who does. And I was maybe, kind of, sort of considering it, until I found out I was going to get the workout of my life the next day.
Sam, the owner and operator of S4 Transport LLC was a complete rockstar. He delivered all of our games, helped us unload the truck, and was patient and good spirited. Contact him for all your trucking needs and you can take a fun selfie with him like this one.
Once the games arrived, the fun part started - carrying them up three flights of stairs. For our last shipment, there were 83 games packed into each box, and they were HEAVY. So heavy that Cassie (who had to do this by herself, I can’t remember why, and I will be indebted to her forever because of it) had to roll them up the stairs step by step because they were too heavy to carry. Luckily, the Hallmark Channel games are packed 36 to a box. So while I got the cardio workout of my life going up and down the steps so many times, I could physically lift the boxes, which is a win for me. I hadn’t been so red in the face since I played basketball in 5th grade and tried to distract the opposing team with full court sprints so they wouldn’t find out I didn’t have any real basketball skills.
Bundle Packing and Shipping Department
Bundle’s packing and shipping department consists entirely of Cassie and me. We made a big goal for ourselves on Tuesday - we would ship Bundle: Hallmark Channel Countdown to Christmas Edition to everyone who pre-ordered through our website. We wrote thank you notes, filled out mailing labels, checked the product for quality (it looks awesome!), packaged up each of the games and mailed them. What better way to transport them than a bunch of multi colored bags? Bags, but make it fashion, am I right? Picture below.
Next Adventure
Our next adventure is shipping out to all of the Gold Crown Store independent retailers who have ordered the game. This is a different kind of challenge because there is a wide range of order sizes, so we needed a variety of different size boxes. (Shout out to all of my neighbors who let me go through their recycling last night.) We also are shipping via FedEx and they are an awesome company, but it’s more time consuming than dropping off the shipment at our local post office. But the (literal) heavy lifting is over, and we are so excited that we are able to get our game that we love so much into the hands of players! I hope to play our Hallmark Channel game with some of you soon and I promise I won’t try to distract you with my full court sprint, although I may offer you some hot chocolate instead.