Back to School
Remember that back to school smell? The freshly sharpened pencils, brand new notebooks, and the freshly cleaned lockers? Back to school is looking a little different this year, and we also know that it's not clear exactly what it will look like for some families.
We can't relate to what families are going through right now (we have one cat between the two of us), but we are thinking about everyone with children as they navigate this new normal. Our superhero teachers are going to great lengths to keep students engaged in creative and fun ways, and we are continually impressed at how they can hold students' attention, even in the digital space.

Screen Free Activities with Bundle
Because there is a lot of learning happening at home via screens, let Bundle help you help your kids unplug with some good old fashioned fun. We know that in recent years, parents have been looking for ways for their kids to spend less time on screens. Now with remote learning, it is becoming more of a necessity to find ways for kids to engage without looking at a their computers and iPads. Bundle has got your back! We can make personalized games that your kids will love, and they will be excited to see their names, pictures, and their favorite things on the game that is made especially for them.

Our Youngest Bundlers
We love making games for kids of all ages, but there is something extra special about being the first board game that a child plays. Because each Bundle is made especially for the group of people playing it and personalized to their favorite memories, traditions, and inside jokes - kids of all ages (and adults!) can get their Bundle on. And if you really miss that new eraser smell, you can play Bundle and keep score the old fashioned way - with a notebook and pencil.